Geometry and Clay - Milestone Project 2: Parametric Design for Manufacturing

My three vases, I ended up making a second one so I could sand one of them to remove the imprint of the plastic layers and keep one of them with the lines. 


The Definition and Renders

The Print

The Mold

The Casting

I think the project overall has been a great success, I am really pleased with the results and that I decided to stick to a more geometric but not uniform shape. I am not sure yet if I like the sanded look but it definitely produces a very different effect, some of the lines ended up being offset because some facets needed more sanding than others, at first I tried to keep them even but then I just went with it to see what the result would be. It is so easy to sand the clay, I thought it would take way more time!

I had some challenges in the beginning with creating the definition and especially with trying to get the definition I had created to produce an object without any over hangs that would damage the mold. I ended up choosing one that was somewhat symmetrical and then had to rebuild a number of the surfaces in Rhino. I was worried about the print failing because the base is small but it worked almost perfectly, the bottom of the print is a bit rounded and uneven, not totally sure why but maybe it began to tilt a bit during printing. During the mold making process things went fairly smoothly except like a goof I forgot to include the mold release on the first pour, thankfully I remembered on the second! But the print came out of the mold fine without the release.

The slip casting went pretty well also. The third cast I did had some unusually thin spots and even though I left it for longer than the first two casts it took longer to dry even though the mold had been left unused for a week...not sure what that is about but I can always make another one if it fails! 😄

If I were to redo this project I think I would try to alter the definition at the start so that I wouldn't have to play around with the overhanging facets and I would maybe have tried to make the base wider, but not too much I like the slightly unbalanced look of it. I might try in the future to push that unbalanced element and see what happens.

So that's it! It has been a really interesting and challenging project and I got to work with plaster and slip casting for the first time!
