Here are my chosen iterations for the 2D parametric surface design. I tried to keep the designs fairly simple but in the process I tried a number of different options before settling on this one.
First I started by creating a line and dividing it then placing two branching lines based off the divided points on the first line.
I then created a polar array of the structure with all the points on sliders.
Ok so after I got to this point it was starting to look too much like a snowflake so I tried to switch to a different basic geometry.
I tried to start with polygons by edge so that I could connect two polygons by edge and adjust them together but I wanted to have a more organic shape with different edge lengths within the shape so I didn't get to far with this one...
This extra point when creating polygons really confused me for a while, I think its purpose is to set the direction of the geometry...
So next I tried to create more organic polygons with lines and then offset them. The offset didn't work at first but I found a join command that created an offset of the whole shape.
I was pretty happy with the way this was starting to look but it was turning into chaos in grasshopper! I would like to revisit a pattern like this later, there must be a simpler I started over again 😣
Next project Ill sketch out some options before I dive in to grasshopper (I was excited to get going!).
Below are a couple other options I explored...
And another one that turned out pretty well. For this one I created and offset hexagons and then created arcs from dividing the inner and outer hexagons, it was a struggle to get the third point for the arcs but I managed it by drawing a circle in rhino and dividing it. To create the mirrored arc I created another circle in rhino then rotated it.
Some in progress images.
So after all of that I returned to the original pattern and combined some of the things I learned in the other attempts, especially creating arcs and offsetting. I think I want to use the pattern to create some earnings, I applied the three patterns from the iterations above to different shapes.
Here is the work in grasshopper, I grouped to two sets of geometry and applied different colours to the preview:
And all the attempts together...
So I ran into some problems/questions along the way:
➭First why are my lines appearing dashed when I bake them, the layer they are in is continuous...
I did also delete duplicate objects but I am not sure it worked as there still seems to be some duplicate curves.
➭The next problem I was having was with the "region union" and "trim with region" commands. I couldn't get either to work and looked it up without much success. Could we go over these in class again?
➭Maybe we could go over how to use the mirror and rotate commands in Grasshopper if there is time as well?
➭And lastly when I select an item in grasshopper it disappears on my Rhino screen rather than turning green, is there a display setting somewhere to change this?
That's all for now I'll update with photos of the lasercut objects when they're finished!
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