The finished definition - it is based on populated geometry points within a surface that I then moved to be parallel with divisions on a line. From those points I added polygons with randomized radii and used a random rotate on the polygons. I connected sliders to the number of divisions in the line, the number of sides on the polygons, both the lofted ones and the ones used to create the surface, the seeds for the random radii and the rotate. |
I ended up using a "Populate Geometry" rather than a "Populate 2D" so I could control how close the populated points were to the central axis of the vessel. I created a surface to populate by using two lofted polygons. I then moved the points up to the same Z height as the points on the divided line by using a "Move" and creating the vector between the start point and the divide points. After I got the points to move up correctly I attempted to create polygons whose centers were on the populated points.
Some lofted options before I figured out how to get the centers to move to the populated points...just seeing what it would look like ☺
So I got them to move to the correct points but creating multiples at each point.
Bryan showed me that the move output and the rotate input needed to be grafted and then it worked.
I added a little lip by lofting between the top polygon and one that was moved up 10mm and put in a scale and slider to adjust if the top would splay out or tilt in.
The three options:
Some images from printing:
And the pouring process:
And finally just for fun...puppy was happy to see me when I got home 💗🐺
As an aside does anyone else REALLY struggle with doing the blogs? I can never get the writing or the photos to work properly...there always moving around or for the writing tuning into hyperlinks or on the side of photos when I preview...Am I missing something? Could we maybe go over how to use blogger properly?
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